Mannen komen van Mars, vrouwen van Venus

John Gray

Language: Dutch

Publisher: Harper Paperbacks

Published: Dec 31, 2003


From Library Journal

When troubled or depressed, women "go down into their wells, and men retreat into their caves," the author claims in this abridged version of his best-selling book. Gray uses such examples to demonstrate the common conflicts between men and women. Topics include communication differences; emotional needs and the different ways of expressing these needs; and forming and maintaining relationships. This adaptation, read competently by Gray, succinctly summarizes the text. Deborah Tannen's You Just Don't Understand: Talk Between the Sexes (S. & S. Audio, 1991) offers a more in-depth look at the different communication styles, although Gray's clinical experience is evident in his text. Without any research references, however, the material comes across as psychobabble. Recommended for public libraries where demand warrants.
- Dale Farris, Groves, Tex.
Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc.


“Gray offers a Berlitz of the heart, a translation of that foreign language your spouse is speaking. And hearing.” (USA Today )